The Mind Fashion of Gregorc
I refer to mine as thift store chic
August 6 2014
Lets be honest. I’m writing this blog post four days after its official due date, I still have a number of written reflections to finish before I can even begin on this week’s hw, my solo project will probably take three more days to write (I want it to be perfectly awesome and there will be a lot of trial and error), and I’ve started every single assignment thus far in Phase 0 before even skimming the material. On the bright side I taught myself Javascript in my sleep, literally.
If anyone is familiar with my two Gregorc mind styles, you can probably see right away from my introduction that I’m as equally a Concrete Random as an Abstract Random thinker, or maybe you can't. I didn't put all that much thought into it.
As someone who is both concrete and random, I not only have to register information directly through my five senses (specifically by seeing, hearing, and doing), but I have to solidify it by imagining and visualizing possibilities (hence the solidifying of my knowledge of Javascript last night when I was forced to write functions in my dreams in order to escape an evil clown spirit)
Next let’s take a look at what both of my mind styles have in common: they are random. This is the part that defines me to a T. I’m pretty disorganized and easily distracted, I need the ability to approach tasks and solve problems my own way, I have a strong dislike for reading directions and time restrictions, and although I spend a lot of time researching and experimenting, it is usually my intuition that tells me when something is right or wrong.
Whereas a concrete random person is more of a competitor and loner, an abstract random person likes to collaborate with others, build friendships, and learns best in a group environment. I have seen over the course of my time working as a user experience developer that the combination of the two is very much the case for me.
When given a project, I like to take the time to fully dive into and finish each step of the process on my own. When i feel like I have done enough, am finished, or am fully informed on an issue, this is when I bring it to the table and ask for support from my co-workers for each step of the way. Whether it is having someone look over my designs and brainstorming other possibilities, having someone dive into the analytics and helping me come up with either concrete reasons for my solutions (that aren’t just my intuition), or concrete solutions to the questions created with my research, or having another developer work with me to either build or clean up my code, I always do first, and then collaborate with others.
With DevBootcamp, I feel like I have a hard time being a driver during pairing sessions for this reason. Trying to solve problems and think of what to do while someone is looking over my shoulder is nearly impossible for me. I need my space first to try and fail and then ask for help or feedback.
However the biggest issue I face during DevBootcamp due to my specific thinking styles, is just doing what is expected. I had a deep discussion with a friend/fellow member of my cohort today about my issues with perfectionism. He informed me that it’s not necessarily what I CAN do, but what I SHOULD do. That I should strive to just do what is expected. The problem for me with doing what is expected is that I can’t learn that way. In terms of the code, design, etc, the only way I learn is to do more than what is expected. To try to go far above and beyond what visually or codely is asked of me. It is in the far reaches of that challenge where I solidify my knowledge. But there is the conflict, because what is expected also includes the time element. What can I get finished within the time given? I’ve always struggled with this. Because in the time given, i can do something okay, but its never my best. Given the ability to spend a little extra time on something the first time to make it exactly the way I want it may be too ambitious, but it’s literally how I’ve been learning my entire life. I’d rather make something I’m proud of, than something that falls within the limits of what is expected of me. I guess there’s the rub of being both a Concrete Random and an Abstract Random thinker, eh?